What a great weekend in Palm Springs! Gibbs (new Ch. Topsails After Hours High Five) finished with his third major at the Sporting Dog show on Friday. Gus (GCh. Topsails After Hours Smoke N Mirrors) was Select Dog to finish his Bronze Grand Championship on Friday as well. Bella (new Ch. After Hours Topsails High Gear) finished with her fourth major on Saturday. On Sunday, Gibbs was Select Dog in a major entry. This makes four champions from the Peyton x Kat litter at just over 18 months of age!
New Champion Sawyer!
New Champions!
Congratulations to Melissa Bothne and Kelly Thomas, owners of new Champion Piper (After Hours Make Mine a Double). Piper finished in October, and was owner/handled by Melissa to all of her points, including three majors! Piper is the younger sister to Sid, Rory, and Kat (Wyatt x Charlotte).
Congratulations also to Deb Davenport, owner of new Champion Maverick (After Hours Top Gun)! Maverick finished in November, handled by Deb. Along the way, he was also RWD and Best Puppy at the ECSCNC Specialty. He is a Wyatt x Kenley son.
ECSCNC Results
We had a good showing at the English Cocker Spaniel Club of Northern California specialties in Pleasanton. McCaffrey was BOS in Sweepstakes at the Saturday specialty, made the cut in a huge Best of Breed lineup at the Friday specialty, and received an Award of Merit at the Sunday show. Sawyer won 2 of the 3 Bred By classes, and was awarded Reserve Winners Dog and Best Bred By at the Saturday specialty. Gus received an Award of Merit at the Saturday specialty and was Select Dog on Sunday. Bella won the Bred By class on Sunday and placed the other two days.
New Champion McCaffrey!
McCaffrey (After Hours Topsails Mile High) finished his championship the day after the Cascade specialty, with Best of Breed over specials for his third 5 point major!